Pinellas County Emergency Management
Pinellas County Emergency Management

The Department of Emergency Management began as Pinellas County Civil Defense during the Cold War era of the late 50’s and early 60’s. The principal focus was protection of the population from the threat of nuclear attack by a hostile country. Over the years it became obvious that Pinellas County’s population was vulnerable to a host of natural and technological hazards that were more likely to occur, and on a more frequent basis, than nuclear attack. Thus began the metamorphosis of Civil Defense to Emergency Management. Today the Department of Emergency Management vigorously pursues an “All Hazards” planning strategy in the classic “Four Phases of Emergency Management”: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

In a jurisdiction of over 900,000 residents this is no small undertaking. Our philosophy is that such planning efforts are dynamic and constantly changing. Our task is to constantly develop, assess, test and update the County’s disaster preparedness plans with the ultimate goal being the protection of our citizens and visitors lives and property. To learn about us, please visit: