Q: When does registration open?
A: September 1st of every year.
Q: How do I register myself or a colleague?
A: From our website, go to the “Registration & Program” tab, click on the “Register & Pay Online” button. Or you can download our Registration Form, complete and email or fax to the GHC office. Checks can be mailed to the address listed on the Registration Form.
Q: Do we accept purchase orders?
A: No.
Q: Forms of payment?
A: We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Checks (payable to: Governors Hurricane Conference). We can also take credit card numbers over the phone if that is your agency’s policy.
Q: Do we offer one day registration?
A: No. We offer three types of registration: Training Only, Conference Only, Training & Conference.
Q: Do we offer discounted rates to military, schools, students or the like?
A: Unfortunately, no. Our registration fees are carefully structured to solely offset our operational expenses, as we operate as a non-profit organization.
Q: Do we offer “group” rates?
A: No
Q: Will there be virtual options during the week of the conference?
A: No. The only “virtual” option is the General Session and Awards Luncheon, which will be live-streamed.
Q: What is the difference between the three types of registrations?
A: Training only is Sunday-Wednesday; Conference only is Thursday & Friday; Training & Conference is the entire week (Sun-Fri).
Q: What does each registration type include?
A: Training Only includes: General Session, Exhibit Hall & Lunch, all Training Sessions
Conference Only includes: General Session, Exhibit Hall & Lunch, Awards Lunch (Thurs), all Workshops
Training & Conference includes: General Session, Exhibit Hall & Lunch, Awards Lunch (Thurs), all Training & Workshops.
Q: If I am registered and can no longer attend, can I send someone in my place?
A: Yes. We accept name replacements on paid registrations. Please email the GHC office with the replacement details.
Q: Can I get a refund if I can no longer attend?
A: Yes. As long as the request is made (via email) before the deadline of March 31st. A $50 processing fee will be applied to each refund. Requests received after March 31st will be considered after the conference in June. Refunds are not guaranteed.
Q: Can I register for the Awards Lunch only (Thursday)?
A: Yes. Once the form becomes available, from our website go to the “Awards” tab, download the registration form, complete and send back to the GHC office. If you are registered for the Conference portion, this is already included. Please note, the GHC does not make a profit from the Awards Lunch. We offer this lunch at cost.
Q: Can I register and attend the Exhibit Hall only?
A: Yes. From our website, go to the “Exhibit Hall” tab and click on the “Exhibit Hall Visitor Registration” button. To save you time, we recommend pre-registering before the conference.
Q: When will the sessions be posted?
A: All sessions are usually posted to our website late January or early February under the Registration & Program tab. Please ensure you’re on our email distribution list.
Q: Do I need to enroll in Training Sessions?
A: Yes. Pre-enrollment is highly recommended as sessions become full closer to the conference date. If a session is full you cannot attend that session. You must be registered for the “training” portion in order to enroll in training sessions.
Q: How do I enroll in Training Sessions?
A: When the form becomes available, go the “Registration & Program” tab, click on the “Training Session Selection Form”, complete the form and email to the GHC office. You must be registered for the training portion and payment received before enrolling in training sessions. This form is typically available the end of January.
Q: If a Training Session is full, does the GHC have a waiting list?
A: No. We do not obtain waiting lists on full sessions. You can check with the room monitor before the training session starts to see if there is space available. Those that have pre-enrolled take priority and must sign-in first before allowing walk-ins to attend the session.
Q: Class Size Limits.
A: All training sessions have a pre-set class limit made by the instructor. Once a class has met that limit, the class is closed. We cannot bring in more seating and students should not be standing in the back of the room. Example: If a session says “limit 30”, there are only 30 chairs set.
Q: I’ve registered, paid and enrolled in training sessions, now what do I do?
A: Pick up your name badge and materials at the “Paid Registration” booth in convention center. The session rooms are listed in the Printed Program and our Mobile App. You can download the app in April.
Q: Do I need to enroll in Workshops?
A: No. Simply attend whatever Workshop you are interested in.
Q: How do I make hotel reservations?
A: You can make hotel reservations by using the link on our website under the Hotels & More tab. Hotel reservations will open January 1st. You must be registered to attend the conference before making a hotel reservation.
Q: Which hotel is the headquarters?
A: The Hilton WPB is the headquartered hotel and is connected to the convention center.
Q: If all hotels are full, can we add more rooms to the block?
A: No. This is not possible, per our contract with the hotels.
Q: The reservation desk suggested I contact the GHC to add more rooms to the block.
A: This information is incorrect. We cannot add more rooms to the block.
Q: I need to modify my exisiting reservation?
A: Contact the hotel directly to modify your hotel reservation(s).
Q: Can I register and attend the Exhibit Hall only?
A: Yes. From our website, go to the “Exhibit Hall” tab and click on the “Visit Exhibit Hall Only” button. To save you time, we recommend pre-registering before the conference.
Q: What are the exhibit hours?
A: Wednesday 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Q: How do I register my organization as an Exhibitor?
A: Once registration opens, booth registration can be made by going to the “Exhibit Hall” tab and clicking on “Click Here To Exhibit” button. View the menu items on the left of screen. Follow the prompts.
Q: Can my agency pay for our booth after the conference?
A: No. We do not accept purchase orders. Payment is due by the designated deadline set forth by McRae & Company.
Q: What is the cost for a booth?
A: $1,650 per 10’ x 10’ In-line (standard) booth
$1,850 per 10’ x 10’ Corner (prime) booth
$25 per Exhibitor Staff Badge (includes Wednesday lunch and reception)
Non-profit discount rate available to 501(c)(3) charitable organizations.
Q: What is the cost for vehicles and oversized exhibits?
A: $9.25 per sq. ft. Space assignment based on size, height and display type. Minimum space is 200 sq. feet.
Q: Do we have an online merchandise store to purchase shirts or hats?
A: No. We only sell merchandise during the week of the conference.
Q: Convention Center Parking
A: There is a garage parking structure attached to the convention center at a discounted rate. Emergency vehicles can park in the “reserved” section of the parking garage. For vehicles over 8ft, please park in the flat lot behind the convention center.
Q: What are my meal options during the conference?
A: There will be a concession stand located in the convention center Monday & Tuesday that will offer various selections from sandwiches to salads. The Hilton also has lunch options and there is a variety of restaurants across the street from the convention center.
Q: Will there be food trucks available at the convention center?
A: No. The venue does not allow us to contract with food trucks nor bring in outside catering items.
Q: Will there be options if I have food restrictions?
A: We try to accommodate everyone the best we can; however, given the size of our conference the options available are limited. The venue has a limited number of vegetarian options. Please see a convention center server regarding your needs.